Our retail location is inside The Franklin Market at 402 Chestnut St, in downtown Atlantic. We feature over a dozen vendors, plus much more vintage, antique, new, and contemporary items. You will also find women's clothing and accessories, gift ideas, Elixir Downtown (food and beverages), and The Old School Clipper (men's haircuts) inside The Franklin Market.
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Our original location, 302 W 2nd St, opened in October of 2015. We now use this location as home to our online auctions and consignment warehouse. Our auctions can be viewed at www.pickersparlor.hibid.com. If you are interested in consignment, please contact us to schedule a time for dropoff. We accept new or old, household, furniture, tools, equipment, and more. We can also help handle any moving or estate needs. Please message us for details!
We've been working nonstop to bring you some BIG auctions! Head over to the website to view them all!